速報APP / 商業 / Summit Panorama (Legacy)

Summit Panorama (Legacy)





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:61-63 Mills Road Braeside VIC 3195 Australia

Summit Panorama (Legacy)(圖1)-速報App

Summit Innovations already provides one of the most advanced drive thru reporting solutions on the market, with our dynamic ranking system, in-store and remote reporting.

Summit Panorama (Legacy)(圖2)-速報App

Our cloud-based enterprise reporting solution, Summit Panorama, will take all of this to the next level with above store reporting using state of the art data warehousing and business intelligence technologies.

Summit Panorama (Legacy)(圖3)-速報App

Instead of keeping valuable timer data and configurations in silos on the timer in each store, we send it all to the “Summit Cloud”. Here it is processed and inserted into our data warehouse. Once the drive thru data is in the data warehouse, it is accessible by way of data feeds to third party applications or via the cloud-based Summit Business Intelligence application. The possibilities are limitless.

Summit Panorama (Legacy)(圖4)-速報App

The Summit Panorama application provides all the drive thru data discovery features that you will ever need, whilst providing a fine balance between the ease of use that user require and the needs of data discovery teams.

Summit Panorama (Legacy)(圖5)-速報App

PLEASE NOTE: a valid Summit Panorama subscription is required to use this application.